20 February 2013

February/March Wish List

Instead of my "weekly finds" posts, I have decided to start doing monthly wish list posts instead. This will help me to pick 4 or 5 pieces I really want for that month/season so I don't go crazy and end up with a whole lot of clothes I won't be able to wear for a while until the seasons change again, and so I have a focus for my shopping for the pay month.
White Blouse - Forever New
I have been chasing a long-sleeved white blouse for so long now it's ridiculous. I'm having a really hard time finding the perfect one but this month I am determined to succeed. I don't care where it comes from, I just know I don't want it to be sheer or too detailed. This is a basic piece I am long overdue in owning!
Golden Touch Thick Collar - Diva
I have been lusting after a collar necklace like this since 2011 and yet for some reason I have never bought one. I don't mind if it's gold or silver, I just really want one for the coming winter months to wear with button-up blouses.
Bridgette Day Bag - Forever New
A black handbag is a must-have item in every girl's closet and for some reason it has taken me months to replace my old one which broke towards the middle of last year. I have found a few I like around the place but I really want something I can wear over my shoulder instead of like a messenger bag or worn in the crook of the elbow. I seem to be going against the trend for this right now which is making buying the perfect black bag rather difficult.
Forever New
Tailored pants are something that took me forever to buy in my adult life and then when I finally did, I somehow managed to misplace the one pair I owned! They've seriously vanished! So I need a replacement pair for work as the colder months approach but I am very particular about what I like and really prefer skinny leg pants for my body shape, and nothing else.
Scoop Neck Oversized White Tee
Basic V-Neck White Tee
And finally the last thing I need/want  are some basic white tees. I tend to prefer black in my basics but unfortunately under the hot Australian sun, it's very hard to wear black in summer. I like both styles of these shirts and would ideally like to buy them in black as well but first I have to find a decent quality (I hate it when my basics are nearly sheer themselves) and a decent price.
So there you have it. If I can stick to this shopping list for the month I will feel very accomplished! I would also love to get a pair of red or wine coloured jeans but I don't think my clothing budget for the can stretch that far. There's always next month!
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